Monday, September 12, 2022

Bailey has been paintng rocks. Check out her artwork


 Rock painting 

First we go to collect the rocks from the river. You have to get nice smooth rocks. Smooth rocks make your picture stick out and are easy to draw on.  

Next you think of what you're going to paint and pick your colours. 

Next you choose a picture of what you're going to draw. Then with light colours draw the outline. 

Then your next task is to fill in the solid colours. I used acrylic waterpens that are waterproof so it doesn’t wash off in the rain. It doesn’t dry slowly, they dry really fast so then I can do my little details.

Once they dry and I have a few finished I take them to the park down the road. I hide them for people to find them and take them to other parks for other people to find. When I see someone find one of my rocks they look so happy and that makes me so happy.

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