Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The all black lamb by Anita

 The All black lamb 

Have you ever seen an all black lamb?

Because I did, I saw it yesterday. It was the first all black lamb I'd ever seen but my sister Ash saw it first and Hannah hasn't seen it yet.
Dad took me to see the all black lamb at Dickies. Dickies is another part of our farm. We took the camera to take some pictures of the black lamb. Dad said that the pictures were great.  But at the end when we were trying to take some pictures of the mum of the Black lamb, she jumped into the gate and broke it.
She was in the other paddock and both of her lambs went through the fence!  It was electric but they didn't seem to get a shock.
Dad went through the gate and went to get the sheep but she went through the fence back into the paddock where she was. I thought they would get hurt but it didn't look like they did. 
Dad now has to fix that gate and it looked VERY broken!

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