Scene: Dad, Little Kid and Mum are going for a walk when they come to a scary looking bridge.
Little Kid: (little kid is looking at the scary bridge that he has to cross) I'm scared.
Mum: It's ok darling. Nothing will happen.
Dad: Are you ready guys?
Narrator: They started to walk down the street, towards the bridge.
Mum: Don't be scared guys. I know there's a monster under the bridge but it's not going to hurt us. It's just a play.
Narrator:They took a step onto the bridge. Da da da!!!!!!!
Monster: Who's that trip trapping over my Bridge!
Little Kid: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Narrator: Little kid was so scared.
Monster: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Little Kid: Save me!!!!!!!
Narrator: Little kid ran back up the path.
Mum: Come back little kid.
Narrator: Mum was horrified too, but even though she was, she was more worried about the little kid. Dad didn't want to move!
Monster: Here I come. I'm going to gobble you up!!!!!!!!!!!
Mum: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Dad: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Rrrrrrrruuuuuuunnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Narrator: They ran back up the path jumping out of their underwear.
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